Monday, September 27, 2010

WTF!! Huggies let me down!

I've been a faithful user of Huggies diapers for years.  They have always been the best.  They seemed to hold up so well under extreme (as it gets lol) circumstances and I recommended them to all my friends. And the occasional strangers who seemed like they needed random and unsolicited advice.

Pampers, were pansy diapers.  I didnt like them because, well I'm not even sure why at first, but I discovered one unvalidated reason after another to steer little baby bums away from Pampers.

It had been a few years between my daughter and my little guy, and I sort lost touch with the diaper industry.  Naturally when Cayden was born I used Huggies like I always had for the girls, there was no second thoughts, and at first all was well.

That was up until about 6 weeks ago.  EVERY morning Little Man-O woke up soaked right thru!!  Blankets would be soggy and had to hit the wash and everything!! Unreal leak protection FAIL!!

Now, I don't know why they seem so useless now, because I have a hard time believing that the standards within Huggies manufacturing guidelines have fallen so drastically.  Perhaps it is a matter of gender?  It isn't out of the realm of possibility that becasue Man-O is built different that diapers I used for the girls simply do not cover boys the same way?

Anyway, I am a born-again Pampers beleiver today.